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The Information of Thomas Fletcher of the ꝑish of            Labourer 2d October 1699

Who saith yt. he hath had severall times within 3 monthes last past severall summs of counterfeit money of one Mrs Egleston and Mary her daughter who live opon {sic} Saffron hill St. Andrews Holborn and this Informt bought the said counterfeit money of them and gave after the rate of 20s. of good money for 40s. of bad money and abot. 7 or 8 dayes ago one Susanna who lives with the said Mrs Egleston brought to this Informt. the 4 counterfeit shills now produced and this Informt did give give 2s to the sd mrs Egleston for the same

And that in or about Iuly last past he had at 2 severall times of mr Hilton who lives in Black Fryars London counterfeit money abot. 3 or 4s the first time and abot. 8 or 9s the 2d time he reced the first money of Hilton in Black Fryars aforesaid And that abot. Iuly last he recd of mrs Cumby (who was latly tryed at the old Bayly for making false money) at the said mr Hilton's house and did then and there receive of the said Cumby {a} Counterfeit six pence and that abot a month ago he saw the said mrs Cumby have in her possession in Shandois street near Covt. Garden severall counterfeit shillings which this Informt doth suppose and believe that she made the same her self for yt. this Informt hath heard the said Mrs. Camby say + declare since she was tryed as aforesd that it should not be longer She would have some counterfeit money of her own

the mark of
Thomas Flecther


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[2] Iurat et
    Is Newton

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