John Fenton Kistell: The Information of John Fenton Kistell of the parish of St Margarets Westminster Coffeeman 5 January 1699
The Informacon of Iohn Fenton Kistell of the ꝑish of St. Margarets Westmr Coffeeman 5 Ianuary 1699
Who saith that within these 10 dayes last past he hath bought sevll counterfeit half Crownes and shills. at an under rate of one Samll Tibbs who was latly tryed for counterfeiting of the currt Coyn of this Realm and the said Tibbs told this Informt. that the said counterfeit money were made by a man and his wife who were his ꝑticular friends and had entrusted him to put of the same and the said Tibbs hath promissed to let this Informt have more counterfeit money from time to time as he hath occasion for it to put it of and this Informt doth vehemently suspect that Thomas Higgs Cecilia Labree als Iackson and a woman who has a flatt nose and was not long ago under sentence of death in Newgate did make the counterfeit money aforesd
Ino Fenton Kistell