Mary Hone: The Information of Mary Hone of the parish of St Andrew Holborn Spinster 10 January 1699
The Informacon of Mary Hone of the ꝑish of St. Andrew Holborn in the City of London Spinster 10th. Ianry 1699
Who saith that she hath lodged abot. a month last past in the house of one Mr. Parker who lives in Plow yard in the sd parrish whose wife is Nurse to one Mrs Labree who was lately delivered of a child and this Informt going this day to the Lodging of the said Mrs. Labree to see her Nurse the said Labree gave to her the 2s which were taken upon her this day by Robt. Saker as she hath been and the said Labree desired this Informt. to buy a Neck of Mutton for her and some Sugar with the said shills