Jane Biggs: The Examination of Jane Biggs Widow 11 January 1699
The Informacon of Iane Biggs Widdow 11 Ianry 1699
Saith yt. abot. augt. was 12 monthes this Examt. became acquainted with one Mrs. Labree als who was then a fellow prisoner with her in Newgate and that the said Labree did lye about 10 weekes with this Examt. last Summer at Mr Ludlum's in Milk ally in Dean str. Soho during which time the sd Labree did importune this Examt. to be concerned with her in making counterfeit money but this Examt. utterly refused to be concerned in such Illegall practises but afterwards the said Labree said yt. if she could make paint and washes and yt if this Examt could procure 5s to buy things for so doing yt then she the said Labree and this Examt might get a Livelyhood by making of paint and washes and that abot. a quarter of a year ago did take a room at a Iewe's house in Duke's place and did once or twice endeavour to make paint and washes there but some difference arising between the said Labree and this Examt this Examt hath not been at the said room for abot. 3 weekes but this Examt doth deny that she ever had any Box at the said room in Dukes place or ever desired or demanded to take away any box from thence or employed any person to fetch any box for her from thence
Iane Biggs