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The Informacon of George Scarlet now a Prisoner

Who saith that Hanwell used to bring Flasks ready screwed up into the room where he and others were working and poured Metall itno the same and afterwards tooke the flaskes away without opening of the same and doth suspect and believe he the said Hanwell then cast counterfeit money and that in November last past the said Hanwell removed into a house situated in the Mint Southwark and this Informant hath severall times seen the said Hanwell cast counterfeit money in the said house and after he had cast it he used to rub it with a brush and sand and that one time this Deponent found in the bottom of a bowle in the said Hanwell's house 4 counterfeit shillings unfinisht which he gave to the said Hanwell and that one who went by the name of Mr. Smith used frequently to come to the said Hanwell's and had severall times counterfeit money of him and gave him other money for ye smae and that the said Mr. Smith did bring some silver to the said Hanwell to mix with other Metall in order to make unto countrfeit money and afterwards the said Mr Smith was very angry with ye said Hanwell and said that he keptt the said Silver to his own use and had made the counterfeit money of his own course metall so yt he could not put it off or words to yt effect and Hanwell promissed to mend ye same for ye future And that one Anthony Fryer who is lately dead told this Depont yt he had seen Hanwell edge false money by put a file into a vice and knocking the money with a wooden Mallet upon the same

< insertion from the left margin >

Memorandum Scarlet did not swear to this last Informacon but It was writt by his direcons

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