Ann Galloway: The Examination of Ann Galloway 13 May 1699
The Exaiacon pf Ann Galloway taken this 13th. day of May 1700.
She saith that on Thursday last she did pay by the order of her husband Iohn Galloway to ye Order of Henry Mildinay Esqr the sume of 100l. in Guineas & a Sixpence (there being 93 Guineas) & yt she did not know yt any of these Guineas were deminished nor can tell of whome she or her husband might receive so many diminished Guineas as are said to have been amongst ye sd. 93. Guineas or amongst some other ꝑcells of Guineas now found in her husbands house unless any of them might be recd of Shaw.
And this Exiant doth further say, that when she paid ye said 93. Guineas to ye Order of Mr Mildinay aforesd. she Offered her scales to the said Order to weigh them, and said to him yt she would change any yt were faulty but he took them without Weighing.
Ann Galloway