Sarah Galloway: The Deposition of Sarah Galloway daughter of John Galloway of the parish of St James's Westminster Corn Chandler 14 May 1700
The Deposicon of Sarah Galloway daughter of Iohn Galloway of ye Parish of St. Iames's Westmr Corn chandler taken this 14th. day of May 1700
Who saith that Richard Shaw (now in Custody) hath sevrall times within this 2. Months last come to her fathers shop with Guineas to Excha: for silver and had ye same of this deponent, and ye greatest part of the Guineas counted of their true weight, wch they ought legally to way {sic} some of them two Graines, & some three Graines a peice {sic} or thereabouts, & this depon{illeg}|t| did refuse to change the sd Shaw two Guineas because they wanted near five Graines a peice {sic} of what they ought to weigh.
Sarah Galloway