Thomas Morgan: The Information of Thomas Morgan Stocking weaver now prisoner in the Marshalsea for debt
The information of Tho: Morgan Stocking weaver now prisoner in the Marshalsea for debt
[1]The informt saith yt abot a year or 13 months since he came acquaintd with one Iohn Wood who used to frequent the house of one Haines yt Lives in White cross street an{illeg}|d| keeps a strong water shop and at or about the same time, the said Wood came acquainted wth one Richd Helsam Stocking weaver who is since deceased and ys informt suspecting yt Wood had or was about drawing in this sd. Helsam, to be concerned abou{illeg}|t|{illeg} counterfeiting the coin of ys kingdom and having some discourse with {illeg}|W|ood about it ye sd. Wood did own yt. he had Coined and {illeg}|to| prove yt he could do it he shewd to this informt a pair of Guineas dyes and four counterfeit Guineas and he told this informt that he made ym himself wth the same dyes yt he yn showed to this informt: and he farther saith yt the deceased Helsam did about the same time show him six counterfeit Guineas and told him yt wood did make ym in his sight: and he further saith yt near about a year since Wood also showed to this informt a pair of spanish pistoll dyes in his sight at the same time did strike of one from the same dyes and did yn also show him fiften {sic} blanks for pistoles, ready plated & he told this informt yt. he made ym himself and he also showed him some gold fileings which he said he had fild of from the sd Blanks, to bring ym to ye wright weight, & some dayes before this He also showed to this informt some white mettal which he said he made some shillings off some little time before and all this was about a year since the sd Wood yn Living in Brick lane in old Street and absconded from there in the night time and ys informt did not know where he Lived since ore {sic} else he had endeavoured to have had apprehended sooner
Thomas morgans