Thomas Trott/Carter/Williams/Brown: The Examination of Thomas Trott alias Carter alias Williams alias Brown 1 July 1704
The Examination of Thomas Trott als Carter als Williams als Brown taken this 1st. day of Iuly 1704.
Who saith that he hath seen the sd Trott has lodged by times about six month at the Lambs Inn on the back side of St Clements and was there when he was this day apprhended upon a Warrant for high Treason but knows not how those 21. Counterfeit french pistoles found upon the floor in his Lodging room (and now shewn unto him) came there, but doth own that a {bair} portmanteau trunck wch was this day seized in his Roome did belong unto one mr Smith who about 10. dayes agoe took the key along with him into the Countrey. And this Examt doth own that he had some linnen in the sd trunk and he this Examt not haveing the Key he did break it open upon Tuesday last, (and doth own that 12 Shilling in currt money found in the sd trunk was his) to take out the Linnen whch he then wanted, he denys that he knowes any thing of the Dyes for coyning French Pistoles taken in the sd. Trunk. He also denys that he knew any thing of the mixture of Quicksilver in the said Trunk.[3] This Examt doth own that he did know one Richard Iorden a silver Smith decd. and that he hath been severall times with him in his work room in Butcher Row Temple Barr, and did there make some silver Ferrills for fishing Takle {sic} in ye sd. Room, And that he hath been there severall times since the decease of the sd. Iorden and that he hath seen the sd. socket and ye other peices {sic} of lead now shewn unto him in the said Room or work Garrot, but doth not know the use of them, he doth own that he doth know Mr Hen Fitzgerrald and the aforesd Mr Smith, and hath seen the sd persons in the sd. work room or Garrat with the aforesd. Iordan. He this Examt doth now know how the plate Engraven, and for Counterfeiting {banck} Bank Bill come into the aforesd. Trunk now who did engrave the same.
Tho Trott