Jonathan Wrenchall and Nathaniel Selby: The Examination of Jonathan Wrenchall and Nathaniel Selby, Constables in Chester, 17 October 1699
Jonathan Wrenchall and Nathaniel Selby Constables of Trinity Ward in the Citty of Chester being Exaīed upon oath doth severally say, that about 12 of ye Clock in ye last night these Exaīants did make search in ye dwelling house of Joseph Horton now of ye Sd Citty and late of ye Citty of Lond.o Gold Smiths and these Examinants observing a Cistern full of dirty water in ye Yard or backside belonging to ye Sd dwelling house they Searched with a Stick in ye Sd Cistern and feeling something very Solid and Weighty in the Said Cistern, they caused the Water to be drawn out of ye Sd Cistern and there found ye great brass Engine or Instrument above mentīon'd in ye next prced.t Exaīon there being then some fresh clay abt ut wch Smelt of fire and these Exaīants do beleive yt ye Smaller End thereof from wch Some ꝑt had been Melted away did feel somewt Warm as if it had been lately taken out of ye fire Jonathan Wrenchall Nathaniel Selby.