Ellen Harrison: The Examination of Ellen Harrison, servant to James Mainwairing
Ellen Harrisson Sp.l Serv.t of the Sd Mr James Mainwareing of the Citty of Chester March.t Exaīed upon oath Saith that Btween 8. & 9. of ye Clock the last night this Exaīant by com̄and of her Mistress (Mrs Mainwareing) went to the dwelling house of the abovenamed Joseph Horton and told the said Mr Hortons Maid Servant there was a Suspicōn of Some fire in ye siad Mr Hortons Sellar, and ye Sd Maid Servant Made answer that there was but one fire in ye said house, and that there was nothing amiss in the Sellar. Ellen Harrisson Capt & Ined apud Civit Cestr die & anno primo Sup'd coram Wm Bennett Mayor John Williams vera Copia Exām ꝑ Roger Combebach Cler pacis &c.t