
|Citty of Chester Ss}|The Exaiaīon of Joseph Horton Gent taken before Will: Bennett Esqr. Mayor of the Citty of Chester & John Williams Esqr. Deputy Recorder of the Same Citty upon Tuesday the 17.th day of of {sic} October in ye 15.th year of his Ma.ts Reign King William ye 3.d over England &c. Anno dmi 1699.

Joseph Horton Cittizen and Goldsmith of London but now resident in the Citty of Chester being Exaīed Saith that on fryday last at night he Lay at his Country house at Cotton Hook near Chester & came from there to his house in Chester on Satturday Last about 11. of ye Clock in ye Forenoon and returned thence to Cotton-Hook about Eleaven of ye Clock in the night of <1v> the same day and stay'd there till Yesterday being ye 16.th day of this Instant October and came from thence on foot to his said house in Chester about 8. of ye Clock of the fore noon of ye Same day, and then haveing Lime sand and Bricks in readiness in ye Sellar of the said house he im̄ediately Sett himselfe to Work and made up Some Mortar, and haveing about 3. days before lay'd ye Foundaīion of a Furnace in ye Sd Sellar and raised the Same about 3. brickes high from the Flo{illeg}er this Exaīant ꝑceeded therein Yesterday in ye Morning and finished and ꝑfected the Same with his own hands, by 11. of the Clock in the forenoon of ye Same day haveing carried the Worke also to make up the Mortar with his own hands, And then this Exaīant im̄ediately built a \fire upon ye said/ furnace and put abt 50 or 60 pounds of brass Mettall into Severall potts upon the Sd fire, in Order to be Melted and refined, intending therewith to make some Images of fine Brass to be used at his said Countrey house at Cotton Hook. And abt 12. or 1. of ye Clock ye Same day he went to dinner haveing the said Potts upon ye Sd fire, and dined on a peice of Porck haveing no other Company att dinner than his own Children and Maid Serv.t And further this Exaīant saith yt for abt 7. years last past, he hath been acquainted with one Mr Bery alias Roberts born and bred in Westmer as this Exaīant hath heard and beleives, and is Intitled to an Estate of 200.£ ꝑ an̄ in Westmer aforesaid (as this Exaīant hath also heard and beleives) and ye Sd Mr Robts for about 12 months last past hath usually lived & reseided with this Exaīant, but this Exaīant hath not Seen him at all within 3. dayes last past, and is very ꝑticularly certain yt he ye Sd Robts did not live with Exaīant yesterday nor was he concern'd with this Exaīant in ye Makeing Setting up or useing the said furnace in this Exaīants Sellar, but this Exaīant alone after dinner Yesterday attended ye said Metall in ye Sd Potts, and about 4. of ye Clock in ye Afternoon ye Sd Metall began to Melt, and this Exaīant continued attending and Fluxing ye Same haveing given dirions to his Sd MaidServant if any body enquired for him to say he was not at home, because ye said work required continuall attendance, and this Exaīant Expected to have been been employ'd about the Same, the greatest past of the Last night, but about 6. or 7. of ye Clock att night this Exaīant haveing rec.d Severall Messages from Mr James Mainwareing yt ye said Mr Mainwareings house was on fire, the Exaīant used all the Expediion he could to demollish ye said Furnace & put out the Sd Fire which was thereon, in wch time Severall of ye Sd melting Potts were broak or overturned and the said Mettall ran into the fire And whereas a Certain great Brass Engine or Instrum.t haveing a strong Iron Screw at the one End of it and ye other end or Some part thereof melted away, was found last night upon Search in ye Cistern of Water there, This Exaīant declareth yt he never before yt time used or Saw the Same Engine or Instrum.t nor doth he know how or by waht means the Same Engine or Instrum.t was conveyed into ye Said Cistern                                         Jos. Horton Capt apud Civit Cester: die & an̄o primo Suprad. coram Wm Bennet Mayor John Williams                 Vera Copia Exami ꝑ Roger Comberbach                               Cler pacis &c.t

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