
|Citty of Chester Ss}| The Exaiaion of Ann Gill wife of Edward Gill taken before William Bennett Esqr. Mayor of the Citty of Chester, And Henry Lloyd Alderman, Justices of ye peace for the County of ye Sd Citty the 19. day of October in the 11.th Year of his Ma.ties Raign K. William the 3.d over England &c.t Anno Dni 1699.

Ann the Wife of Edw.d Gill of ye Citty of Chester Slater being Exaied Saith that her Sd husband being a Tenant to Mr Joseph Horton of the said Citty she hath been acquainted with the said Mr Horton for Several years last past, and for about 3. Months last past she hath been acquainted wth one Mr Roberts who Lodged who lodged {sic} at the said Mr Hortons House, but this Exaīant did not see ye said Robts at any time between Munday the 9th day of this Instant October and Munday last ye 16.th Ins.t And on Munday Last about noon this Exaīant went to the said Mr Hortons house in Chester, to acquaint ye said Mr Horton that she had deliver'd a Spinning Wheel, and Some other things according to his direcōns but Mr Hortons Maid telling this Exaīant, that her Master was at dinner She this Exaīant told ye Said Maid she had ded the Sd Mr Hortons Goods according to Order. And this Exaīant whilst she was there heard the voyce of ye Sd Mr Roberts in ye Sd Mr Hortons Parlour, but she did not then See ye Sd Roberts, but came away from thence about 1. a clock in ye Afternoon, and did not hear or see any thing more of or from the said Mr Roberts till between the hours of 9 and 10. in ye Night of the Same day And then this Exaīant happening to pass by ye house of Mr Joseph Maddock in the Forest street in ye said Citty in the way to One Mr {Benens} whether this Exaīant was goeing to buy Candles, this Exaīant observed the said Mr Robts Standing at the door of the Sd Mr Maddock's house who asked her whether She had Seen Betty Maddock lately and this Exaīant (knowing yt he had been acquainted with Elizabeth Maddock daughter to ye said Joseph Maddock for some time before) went with ye said Mr Roberts into ye Said Mr Maddock's house where they found the said Elizabeth Maddock in ye Kittching, the father and the rest of the Family being gone to bed, and this Exaīant at ye request of ye Sd Eliz. Maddock, Staid with them in ye said Kitching all yt Night till about Six a Clock ye next Morning about which time they all heard a rumour in ye Street that Mr Joseph Horton was taken and in Custody upon Suspiion of Coyning at which the said Roberts Seem'd very much concern'd and Said he feared it would go hard with him but yt if ye said Mr Horton would give him 2. or 300.£ he ye Sd Roberts did not doubt but he could bring him off: <1v> and further Said that he was affray'd of cmeing into Some trouble because he had lodged for some time with the said Mr Horton and shortly afterwards it being light day this Exaīant left them (they being then in t{he} Entry as if they were about to part) and went home and about {8.} or 9. a Clock in ye Morning on Tuesday last, she went to ye said Mr Hortons h{ouse} and there heard that the said Mr Roberts was Missing but she did not S{ee} the said Mr Roberts againe till Yesterday abt 6. of ye clock at night, a{nd} then this Exaīant went to ye Sd Mr Maddock's house to See ye Sd Eliz. Maddock who told her that the Sd Roberts was in her Chamber above, whether this Exaīant and the Sd Eliz. Maddock presently went up to him, and this Exaīant at his request fetched a bottle of Ale for him from Charles Moulsons house and presently after left them togeather in the Sd Eliz. Maddocks Chamber, And being further Exiedd she Saith that Yesterday in ye Evening a little before she went to the said Mr Maddocks house one Rosengrere Okell of Wharton in ye County of Chester Yeoman came to this Exaīants house, and delivered unto her certain Cloaths (now produced) which he said M.rs Horton desired him to leave with her and this Exaīant rec.d the Same, but did not then know or hear they belonged to ye said Mr Robts thô she now confesseth that she hath heretofor seen them upon his back and she further Saith yt she hath not Seen the said Mr Roberts Since she left him with the said Eliz. Maddock as aforesaid nor doth she know where he is: & further Saith Not.                                              An Gill

Capt die et Anno suprad. coram      Wm Bennett Mayor      Henry Lloyd

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