Henry Dixon: The Examination of Henry Dixon 21 January 1698
Henry Dixon being Exaied this 21. Janry 1698. Sayes yt ab.t 4. Years & one half Since he did at the house of Will Trowman in Dudley in Worcestershire see Thomas Drew Smith liveing also in Dudley but in Staffordsh Clip old Silver money in Tale ab.t 6.£ ye Clippings whereof amounted unto ab.t 40:Ss and did afterwards see the said Drew with a assistance of Trowman & the Exaīant Coyn the Clippings into 40.Ss in Tale to the best of his remembrance, and that he hath for Severall Years past been been acquainted wth Thomas Boddily now Prisoner in Som̄ersetsh Goale (as he understands) and knew him to be concerned in the mannagem.t of Mony and yt about S.t James Tide Last was 12. months Boddily came to this Exaīant & offered him 10.£ in tale new money for 7.£ 10s 0d but he not being able to pay him, Boddily carryed off the Money, only gave this Exaīant Six Shillings wch was Counterfeit Money and that Boddily told this Exaīant he made yt Mony, & that Boddily at the same time Did shew him 5. or 6. Counterfeit Broad Peices wch he offered to Sell him at 16.d each, which he could not buy for want of Money the mark of H Henry Dixon
Coyn 21. Janr 1698 coram John Blackwell Mayor of Bristoll John Sticks