Charles Lacy: The Information of Charles Lacy 8 May 1700
The Information of Charles Lacy of ye parish of Bromsgrove in ye County of Worcester Husbandman & now a pro|i|soner in ye Goal of ye Sd County taken ye eight day of May Anno Dni 1700
This informant said yt about Christmas last was three Years one Henry Steward of Stoney Cane in ye parish of Tarbick in ye County of Warwick Husbandman did in ye parish of Bromsgrove & in ye house of this informant & in this informants presence make & coin false Money as Crowns half Crowns shillings & sixpences & yt for this inform.ts encouragement he help'd this Inform.t in his troubles wth all sorts of necessarys for himself & family & gave ys inform.t money several times in ye Goal yt he should not inform agt him
This Informt further saith yt about a Year agoe one John Newey of Cobby Hill in ye parish of Tarbick in ye County of Warwick shoemaker did come to ye House of this informt & told ys inform.ts wife yt he could coin as well as any man in England & tooke ys inform.ts wife & shewed her his moulds & five shilling peices & ys inform.t being from home he ye Sd John Newy did in ye house of this informt make false money in ye presence of ys inform.ts wife wch this inform.ts wife is ready to make out upon her oath.
This Informt further sayeth yt about three years agoe one John Turner of ye parisg of Ipsly near Redditch in ye County of wac|r|wick ys informt going to ye house of ye Sd John Turner did there see ye Sd John Turner make & coin false money as Shillings & sixpences & layd up more metall for another time
This Informt further saith yt about ye same time this informt saw one Thomas Lees of Upton near Bromesgroves in ye County of Worcester receive money of ye Sd John Newy wch was false money to put it away wch ye Sd Thomas Lees did know
ye same to be false & counterfeit money & knew ye Sd John Newey to be a counterfeit coiner.
|Sr| Herewith I send you ye Informations of Lacy he tells me Mr Seward is a man of 100 ꝑ Ann & has promissed me a farther discovery Lacy was convicted about 2 year Since for Coyning & was pardoned & is now sent to goal again upon suspicion of following ye same trade again & as far as I can understand by ye interest of some of those he now impeaches who are willing to hang him yt he may make no farther discoverys if you please to give me any farther directions it shall be observed by Sr yr most humble Serv.t May ye 8 1701 Tho: Bearcroft