|Middx & Westmr } Ss| The further Informaion of Elizabeth Jours of the Parish of Deptford in the County of Kent Widdow taken upon Oath this 6.th day of May Anno dmi 1701.

Who saith that one Edward Ivey; who (as this Informant has been told) was Out Lawed for high Treason for Clipping the Current Coyn of this Kingdom, & being apprehended for the same, and careyed before the Recorder of Dublin (whose name is Mr Handcock And that many of his pappers, acc.ts and Writings were then Seized and Secured in the Custody of the Sd Recorder, who promissed in the hearing of this Informant to Keep the same safe, and to have these forth coming when called for; And this Informant further Saith, that there were Severall Bonds and Bills of Moment amongst the said papers of Money due to the said Ivey, (and ꝑticularly a letter from one John Roberts of Bloomsbury in which was mentioned some money, the said Roberts had disbursed for the use of the said Ivey) And further saith that there was about 9.£ due from Jeremiah Bedford upon a bond to the said Edward Ivey, And further saith that she this Informant, did leave the pocket book of the said Ivey with one Mrs Beanham liveing in Pauls Church Yard and keeps an Eating house, in wch book were severall Acco:ts of Money due from Severall persons to the said Ivey, And ꝑticularly an Acco:t due from Mrs Gardner, (who as this Informant beleives lives the next door to the Robin-hood in Chelsea, and formerly did live at the Cock in bow-Street Court-Garden) to the value of one hundred pounds and upwards.                               Elizabeth Jours Jurat anno et die Suꝑdict coram J. Stanley

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