|Middx & Westmr } Ss| The Examinaion of Joan the Wife of David Williams of the Parish of S.t James's Westmr. taken this 11.th day of July 1701.

She saith yt she hath bought Severall parcells of counterfeit Shillings for Six pence and Sixpence halfpenny a peice of one Roger Bentley, John Gaul, and one ...... Smith and some other Persons who cry ends of Gold and Silver about the Streets whose names (at present) this Exam.t doth not very well remember & this Examinant further Saith yt she hath also bought Counterfeit shillings for Sixpence a peive of one William Montford a Souldier who lives on Clerkenwell green & yt ye Sd William Montford hath offered to ꝑcure 5.£ of Counterfeit money, ꝑvided this Exam.t would give him halfe the tale in good & Curr.nt Mony for it, and she further saith that she hath heard the said Montford say yt he has made great Quantities of counterfeit Mony in Flanders, and that she doth verily beleive he doth still Counterfeit the Curr.nt coyn of this Kingdome, And she further saith yt she had one counterfeit Shilling of one Thomas Williams and have gim 6.s good mony for it, he the Sd Thomas Williams first brought she this Exam.t acquainted with the Sd Montford.                                    Joan her X mark Williams Cap.t an et die ꝑdict coram me J. Stanley

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