Joanna Hodges: The Information of Joanna the Wife of Samson Hodges 14 November 1701
|Middx. & Westmr. } Ss| The Informaion of Joanna the Wife of Samson Hodges taken upon Oath Novr. 1701.
Who saith that she this Informt togeather with her husband Samson Hodges did Lodge in the house of one Joanna Thornton near Nibbs's Pound in Tyburn Road for about the Space of a Month last past, dureing which time she this Informant did see one Willm Goslin (who lodged in a Room in the said Widdow Thornton's house {)} and also hath seen James Sum̄mers, Peter Whittencomb with Marg.t his Wife make Moulds with Spand in flasks, with the Impressions of Sixpences resembling the Currant coyn of this Kingdome, and Moulds or Impressions of halfpence and hath Seen ye parties aforesd Melt Mettall in a firepan and pour the Same into the Flasks as aforesaid, and at ye Same time has also seen the parties aforesaid take the said peices so made and Counterfeited out of the said Flasks, and trim and clean the same with fine Sand, and further Saith yt She has Seen the Sd William Goslin and Margret Whittencomb coulour over the Sd Counterfeit halfpence a Copper colour with a Wash or Water they had in a bottle, for that purpose and to rub them afterwards with a powder of a blewish colour Joanna her X mark Hodges Capt: et Jurat anno et die Suꝑdict coram me J Stanley