James Summers: The Examination of James Summers 14 November 1701
|Middx. et Westmr. } Ss| The Examinaion of James Sum̄er (now in Custory) taken this 14.th day of November 1701.
Who being duely Examined Saith, that the Counterfeit Money with ye Flasks ready moulded with the Impressions or Flatts of a Shilling and two Sixpences now produced & Shewn unto him might be hid or layd in his Cellar by some other person than himselfe, for yt he knows not how they came there, and that one day Sweeping behind his Counter, he found some of the Sd Counterfeit Money, and that the rest (for anything he knows to the Contrary) he might take of Customers for boyld meat which he selleth James Sum̄ers Capt coram me J. Stanley