
|Middx et Westmr } Ss| The Informaion of Mary Lee taken upon oath this 4.th day of Feb:r 17012.

Who saith that she this Informant has been acquainted with one Elizab: Usher for about eight or nine weeks last past, and hath heard the said Eliz: Usher severall times name unto her this Informant one Maurice Trant whom the said Usher did say was an Irish papist, and lately come from France, and did also day that the Sd Maurice Trant was one of ye designed Assassinators of his most gracious Ma:ty King William, and that he was one of the thousand pound men and broke out of Newgatem and \had/ he not done so he shd have been hanged, and that Mr Secretary Vernon had Obtained ye Kings pardon, for ye Sd Trant and that he doth now lodge within ye liberty of Westmr. very privately, and that it was not upon the account of ye Intended assassination yt ye Sd Maurice Trant lived so retired and obscurely but for some other cause of dangerous consequence, and this Informt farther saith upon her oath that since she had this relation or account from Elizab: Usher as aforesd <1v> she this informant hath seen ye said Maurice Trant and saith that he is a pritty well set man, middle stature, round face with very full black eye brows wearing a greyish coloured coat without any sword, and that she this Informt by what she has heard and observed from ye discourse of Eliz: Usher doth beleive ye Sd Maurice Trant to be an ill and a dangerous person against ye present government.                                         Mary Lee Capt: et Jurat ann: et die supra dict: coram J Stanley

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