|Kingston sup: Hull} ss| The Informaion of Thomas Cartmall of Kingston upon Hull in ye county of the Town of Kingston upon Hull Labourer now a prisoner in Hull Goal taken and sworn ye sixth day of March 1701 before Simon Sisson Esqr. and Robert Carlile Esqr. Aldermen of ye said town and two his Maties Justices of ye peace within ye said town and County.

This Informant saith that he having been for some years past acquainted with one Thomas Gott of this Town of Kingston upon Hull Labourer this Informt has seen him for this three years past at severall times Coine money and counterfeit this|e| currant coine of this Realm and hath seen ye Sd Thomas Gott Coine sixpences shillings and half Crowns (butt he could not make ye letters on ye edge of ye Rim) of bad and base Metall Block Tin, and Pewter melted and mixed together over a Torph fire and then burnt Alabaster in the fire & bruised it to powder and sifted it, and in a Mould cast ye aforesaid money taking first ye Impression of ye peice he coyned on ye Sd sifted Alebaster, And this Deponent saith that he has seen Richd Rudderforth of Kingston upon Hull aforesaid house-Carpenter - - - coyn money and Counterfeit the coyn of this Realm of such like Mettall as it aforesd about eight or nine pound at a time about a year ago and John Gibson of Skitby in ye County of York Labourer do ye like at ye same time in in Rudderforths house and Susannah ye wife of Thomas Gott aforesaid ye like, and Robert Wilson of Kingston upon Hull victualler ye like and counterfeited Dutch money of their base Mettall & in whose house ye Gang used to meet in to coyn bad money and this Informant saith that one Marshall a Joyner called cock Marshall that lives in white-fryer gate maketh their moulds to cast yr coyn in, and this Informant saith that he had seen John Turner & Matthew Hansley of Newland in the Sd county of York have ye like instruments or Tools for coyning as he hath seen ye former coine with and being in their company in an Alehouse in Newland they pull.d ye said tools out of their severall pocketts & owned to this Informant they coined with them and then shewed this Informt three baggs of counterfeit mony which they said they had coyned and would carry with them to stackshaw bank fair in ye north, and buy beasts and Sheep with, And this Informant saith that the said Turner and Hansley told him one Naylor of Newland aforesaid also counterfeited the coyne of this Realm                                                   his ⊥mark                                              Thomas Cartmall Taken & sworn ye day and year above before{Simon Sisson Robert Carlill

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