Elizabeth Steers: The Information of Elizabeth Wife of Cornelius Steers 23 June 1702
The Information of Elizabeth the wife of Cornelius Steer s of the parish of St Botolphs Bishops gate taken upon oath this 23 day of June anno 1702 (who calles herself wife to ye dutch Envoy)
|Middx Westmr } Ss| Who saith that ann Frybergen living in Lutiners Layn in the parish of St Gilis's in the fields hath often told she this Informant, yt she the said Ann Frybergen had an art or secret, that she could turn a pound weight of Brass or Copper, into gold, soe that it should be of the val intrinsick value of forty pound Sterling, and that she the Sd Frybergen did tell unto this Informant that she had taught Cornelius Steers the husband of her this Informant to make the mettall aforesaid and that the Sd Frybergen told to this Informant further, that she did design to carry on ye said trade of making ye mettalls as aforesaid, and she this Informant verily beleives that the said Ann Frybergen is now at work upon ye said project in the house of one - - - Alcock by Tower Royall near Budge Row and further saith that the Sd Frybergen told she this Informant that she did design to work on the said mettall in the house of one Lifton near little moore gate Elizabeth Steer capt et jurat cor: me diu et anno supradict: John Stanley