Elizabeth Lee: The Information of Elizabeth Lee 1 July 1703
|Miffx Westmer } Ss| The Informaion of Elizabeth Lee Spinster taken upon oath this first day of July 1703
Who saith, that she knows Isaac Mackartu and his Brother whose name she this informant thinks is Moses and that they Live together in a house near Leadi|e|ng hall street, and that it is generally reported in the neighbourhood that ye partys aforesaid are of ye Jewish religion & that they do make counterfeit money butt whether it be english - - or forreign coyn she this informant cannott tell, and further she upon her oath saith that she was informed that Isaac Mackarty was lately stop at Harwich as he was going to Holland and was com̄itted to prison \there/ on account of the coyn to the value of 3000£, and |yt| it is not above a fortnight since he gott discharged from thence, and further says that she this informant did some time ago receive from Mr Isaac Mackarty aforesd one counterfeit shilling and that she verily doth beleive ye Sd Mackartys to be ill people, and guilty of counterfeiting either forreign or English coyn Elizab: her mark Lee
capt jurat anno et die supdict coram me J: Stanley