Christopher Thomson, John Symson and Henry Smithson: The Information of Christopher Thomson, John Symson (Constable) and Henry Smithson 11 August 1703
|northumb:0 Ss| The Informaion of Christopher Thomson John Symson \Constable/ & Henry Smithson taken upon oath this 11th day of August 1703
Who upon their respective oaths do say that upon their search of ye house and shop of James Wharton \Smith/ in the town of Penrith this day, by virtue of a warrant under ye hand and seal of Mr justice Carleton, they did in ye severall parts and appartmtts in his ye said James Whartons house and smiths shop find severall counterfeit shillings and crowns resembling those of the currant coyn of this realme, with severall lumps of metall as they beleive to make the same, as also severall peices resembling shillinhs all run in lumps together and partly melted and stuck one to another, and they further say, that part of an edger was found in his Sd shop and house, to edge Guineas and shillings withall and they further say that the severall \little/ puncions, and copper, and other little Implements were all taken as aforesaid in the house and shop of the said James Wharton, and the Sd Christopher Thomson for himself doth say that upon searching the pocketts of ye Sd James Wharton he did find two peices of metall in the same, and the said Christopher Thomson John Simpson, and Henry Smithson do severally swear that the tooles Impliments and other counterfeit money now shewn to these deponents, are the same which they seized and secured in the house & shop of ye said James Wharton as aforesaid, Christopher Thompson capt Jurat anno et die John his J mark Simpson suꝑ dict: coram me R Carleton Henry Smithson