Henry Smithson: The Deposition of Henry Smithson 9 June 1702
June 9.th 1702.
|Northumb. Ss.|Henry Smithson Deposeth that ab.t Martinmass 1700. he was at Henry Robsons in Newcastle and there ye Sd Henry Robson did shew to this Depon.t a Ps of Metall covered with Silver wch he Sd was prepared to be coyned into a halfe Crown, and that he could do it himselfe, and Sd he could also cover counterfeit money, and that he had entertained James Blades and Joseph Thomson (now in Durham Goale for Coyning) in his house for a considerable time togeather, and that they were bro.t thither in order to coyn for one Mr Richard Warwick late off Silver street in New Castle, and he further saith, that he is acquainted with ye Sd Warwick, & yt the said Warwick did show to this Depon. at his said house in New Castle Severall coyning Instrum.ts and this depon. knowes that {s}|h|e employ'd the Sd Blades & Tompson \& Turner/ in Coyning for him, and further saith that he knows one Edw.d Gare \a Smith/ and his wife who lives at or near Shotton Edge in Cond Northumb.er and yt the said Gare did also lodge the Sd ꝑsons at his house where they did also coyn for the said Warwick, And further saith that the Sd Warwk told this depon. that he had clear'd above 500.£ by clipping Capt et jurat Corā W m Blackett. Hen: Smithson