Richard Warwick: The Examination of Richard Warwick 10 June 1702
|Northumb. Ss.|Exaiacon of Richd Warwick of Plessey {Gew} taken June 10. 1702
Saith that he knows Henry Smithson and hath known him for many years, & saith that he was at this Depon.ts house in Silver-Street NewCastle but saith he did not shew the Sd Smithson any Instrum.ts for Coyning says he is acquainted with James Blades & Joseph Tomson, and that he was once or twice at the house of Edq.d Gares Smith, wth ye Sd ꝑsons and also saith and also saith {sic} that he knows Mich: Turner, & yt ye Sd Turner Blades & Tomson was once or twice in this Exaiants house in NewCastle and also knew one Thomas Grieves a fitter, but denyes yt he was privy to the Sd Blades & Thompsons Coyning, and also knows Henry Robson of NewCastle Taylor but denyes that he told the Sd Smithson that he had Got 500.£ or any other sum̄e by clipping. and saith he this Exa.t formerly lived at Kirkby Stephen, & came from thence to NewCastle and lived there till about three years Since that he went to Plessey in where he now lives, and further saith that he this Exa.t was never concern'd Blades Thomson Turner Robson or Greive or any other in coyning Clipping or uttering false or counterfeit Money neither ever had this Eaait in his Custody or possession any Instrumts for yt purpose: saith he cannot remember the times of the Sd Blades Turners or Tomsons or Smithsons being in Company with this Exaiat Richd Warwick Cap.t &ct Wm Blackett.