Elizabeth Gare: The Examination of Elizabeth the wife of Edward Gare 10 June 1702
|Northumb.er Ss|Examinaion of Elizabeth ye wife of Edward Gare June 10.th 1702
Who saith she knows Mr Smithson Mr Richd Warwick and also knows two other persons by sight but not by name that came to this Ex.ts husbands house, togeather with Mr Warwick, sometime in winter was 12. months, they Lodged there by times about 3. weeks thô sometimes they went away on the day time, and Sometimes one stayd away at night, and Sometimes another, but they never both stayd away all night at one time, till they went away for altogether, and saith that Mr Warwick told her he had Goods to sell, for ye Sd two persons, & she farther saith, That she never recd any money or other satisfaion from the Sd two persons, but one Crown peice out of which she return'd them part nack in Change Capt. jurat. &ct Will Blackett. Eliz. Gare