Richard Warwick: The further Examination of Richard Warwick 10 June 1702
Richard Warwick being further Exaied Saith that he never did deliver to the Sd Edward Gare a Wallett at his host house in NewCastle or at any other place with peices of Iron in it, or any other matter that was heavy, nor did he take any wallet from him at Shotton Town end, not did he ever bring any Iron peices in a wallet to the said Edward Gares house, and order him to keep them safe, and not deliver them to any but himselfe, nor was he at any time angry with ye said Edw.d Gare, for discouraging the two ꝑsons that lodged at his house neither had this Ex.t any correspondence with any person that goes by the name of Balemay, and saith further, that he beleives he did not go with Blades and Turner to Gares's house, nor that he did tell Gare that they were honest men for ought he know, and denyes that ever Gare craved him for their Lodging or Dyet. Examt capt. &ct coram Will Blackett. Richd Warwick