James Blades: The Examination of James Blades 11 July 1702
|{Dunhelen} Ss| The Exaiaion of James Blades in custody taken 11.th July 1702
Who saith that about 4. years ago John Button als Broadley late of Cubeck in the north Rid of the County of York & Christoꝑ Shaw late of Larthington in Rid pred Cooper went to Wm Busby of Thirsk in ye said Rideing Grocer, then in York Goale and ye Sd Button, and Busby had there a private conference together, and the Sd Button shew'd the said Busby an Instrument for coyning call'd an Edger wch the Sd Busby declar'd was a very good one, and also Sd that as soon as he got out of Goale he would Joyn with them in carrying on the trade of Coyning and would supply them from time to time with money, as they shud have occasion, and accordingly order'd Isaac Buby his Brother (who kept his Shop in Thirsk aforesd) to pay unto John Button 4. guineas, wch this Exat saw Pd by the Sd Isaac to the Sd Button, at Thirsk aforesd The Ex.t further saith, that the Sd Wm Busby said he was ill used by Dan.ll Otty his father in Law, who had given him no porion wth his Daughther, and also said that when he got out of Goale he would be revenged of him and would have prevail'd with this Ex.t to have burnt the Sd Danll Ottys house, and Sd he would get some others to assist him, And further saith that ab.t 4. years agoe, he see the aforesd XtP Shaw fileing Iron and Steel togeather at Orton in Westmer {ly} to make Instrum.ts for coyning, and ab.t a year after, he saw him a Henry Smithsons house Sen.er at Larthington fileing of the like Instrum.ts for coyning and that his Exa.t before the fileing of the same, see the said XtP Shaw assist the Sd In.o Button in forgeing the same, and further sath that Robert Hutchingson of Gateside in the County of Durham Gen̄ and Ambrose Sympson of the same March.t about 2 Years agoe bought a pair of Dyes or Stamps for halfe Crowns of this Exa.t and gave him 4.£ in good money for the same, And yt the Sd Robt Hutchinson and Henry Smithson junior of Rash in Swaldale about two years agoe went to Morpeth Goale (as ye Sd Henry Smithson hath confessed) to one ..... Fox a prisoner there to be instructed how to whiten Copper. And further saith, yt ab.t 3. Years agoe ye Exa.t delivered to one David Hodgson of Westp. in ye Sd County of Durham, Sixteen Counterfeit Crowns to utter for him and allowed the Sd David 2.s6d ꝑ lib for uttering the same. that ab.t the same time ye Sd David Hodgson invited this Exai.t to his house, who accordingly came and there met one ChristoP Sheild of Toft hill in ye Sd County of Durham Corver, who desired some Counterfeit money of this Exai.t and Brought a Bottle of white wine to ye Sd David Hodgsons house, wch he Sd Henry Young of Toft hill aforesd Gen̄ sent to drink with the Exa.t and ab.t 8. weeks after this Exa.t met with the Sd Christ Sheild at the house of ...... Burdon of Cockfeild in the Sd County of Durham, where he delivered unto him 40.s in Counterfeit Crowns, and allow'd him 2.s6.d ꝑ lib for uttering the same, And further saith that because he this Exait. not furnishing the Sd Sheild with such summs of false money as ye Sd Henry Young had Occasion for, he therefore the Sd Young turned the Sd Chr: Sheild off from Corving. And further saith that W.m Harwood of Bernards Castle whitesmith rec.d from this Exait ab.t a year & agoe Six Counterfeit Crowns, and had from this Ex.t after the rate of 2&6.d ꝑ lib for uttering the same, and that ab.t 3. Years agoe he repaired a Loop & wedge for coyning belonging to the Inform:t Exam.t And further Saith that Ruth the wife of Mark Addington of Bernards Castle aforesaid Cordwainer ab.t 4. years agoe rec.d from him 8. Counterfeit Crowns of Mix't Metall, he allowing 2.s6.d ꝑ lib for uttering the same, and yt about 2. months after the said Ruth rec.d from this Ex.t 8. Crowns more of ye like Counterfeit money at the same rate, And farther saith that ab.t a year & agoe ye Sd Ruth rec.d a farther sum̄e of 8. Crowns of the like false moneys he allowing her as before; And this Exam.t further saith that he see the Sd Chr: Shaw hold in his hand (at Whiteside in Swaledale aforesd) a peice of Steel wch was laide on a Shilling Dye till the Sd John Button Struck thereon with a ham̄er and gave the Impression of a Shilling - And further saith that about a year and agoe, Edward Gares of Shotten Edge in Northumber black Smith mended two wedges for Coyning, which the said Edward Gares Sd were brought to him from Mr Richd Warwick of Placey-hall (now in Morpeth Goale) in the County of Northumbeerd aforesd and at the same time the Exam.t coyned coyned {sic} in the Sd Edward Gares house at Shotton Edge aforesd for the Sd Rich Warwick betwixt 4. & 5. pounds of Counterfeit money, wch Sd Money this Exait gave the next day to the Sd Mr Warwick, who then prohibited to settle this Exam.t and one Michael Turner, at ye house of the said Edw.d Gares to coyn for him, and Pd their Quarters, and accordingly took the Sd house of the Sd Gares for that use. and further saith that the Sd Rich Warwick hath often promissed this Exam.t he would from time to time supply this Exa.t with moneys, and other necessarys for carrying on the Trade of Coyning, And that the last Winter this Ex.t did coyn in ye house of the Sd Richard Warwick, in NewCastle to the tale of ab.t thirty Shillings of Counterfeit money made of mixed Metall the said Richard warwick being present at the Coyning thereof, and gave the Exam.t 3. good Silver halfe Crowns to mix therewith. And further saith that ab.t a year and halfe agoe, Thomas Greive of NewCastle Fitter, had about 3. pounds of Counterfeit Crowns of the Exam.t and had Six Shilling ꝑ lib for uttering the same, and yt the Ex.t was bro.t to the acquaintance of the Sd Thos Greeve by the aforesd Richd Warwick Capt. et examinin.t coram Will Bowes James Blades