James Wharton: The Examination of James Wharton 11 August 1703
|Com Cumb Ss| The Exaiaion of James Wharton of Penrith (now in Custody{)} taken before Robt Carlton Esqr. 11.thAug.t 1703
Who upon Exaiaion saith, that the Counterfeit Money, Metall, the Severall other Materialls & Instrum.ts now Shewn him, was left at his house about a year agoe by a person unknown to this Exam.t and that about the same time one John Grahme, did frequent this Examinants house, (whome he thinks is now a prisoner in Carlisle Goale) and denyes that any of them ever lodged in his Sd house by privity or knowledge, or that he purchased the Sd Dyes or Counterfeit money, or other tooles and Instrum.ts from any ꝑson nor knowes how they came to be in his house or Custody Capt. anno et die &ct. coram Robt Carleton James Wharton