Julius Jackson: The Information of Julius Jackson 30 August 1703
|West Rid Com Eboy Ss|The Informaion of Julius Jackson Constable of Clapam Taken upon Oath this 30.th day of Aug.t 1703.
Who upon his Oath saith that being com̄anded by a Warr.t under the hand and Seal of Charles Rigby Esqr. one of her Ma.ties Justices of peace for Lancaster, and Subsign'd by another of her Ma.ties Justices of ye peace for this Riding, he with others did apprehend Michaell Lawson, John Airey als Verey, and George Town, and what Mettall and other Instrum.ts in Michaell Lawsons Smithy and about John Airey, was delivered into this Informants Custody by Mr Smithson and further Saith not. Julius JacksonCapt. et jurat &ct. coram Ambro.s Pudsay