Judith Blower: The Examination of Judith Blower the daughter of Grace the wife of John Ryley by a former husband 18 May 1704
|Lancr. Ss.| The Exaiaion of Judith Blower Spinster the daughter of Grace the wife of Jn.o Ryley by a former husbd 18.th May 1704.
Who on Exaiaion Saith that the first time she ever saw Christoꝑ Emerson was on Wednesday Evening the 3.d of this Instant may, he comeing thither with this Exam.ts Father in Law John Ryley, and lay there that night and early in the morning went with this Exam.ts father to his shop (which is halfe a mile from the house) and at night came back again to the house to lye, and continued so to doe untill thursday morning the 11.th instant, dureing which time, she this Exam.t hath heard the Sd father in law say yt the Sd Emerson had ꝑmissed to make her Sd father a clock for his meat and lodging whilst he should stay there. - But this Exam.t denyeth that ever Edw: Holt, Tho: Holt Sam. Fletcher, John Fletcher and Alexander Fletcher or any of them were ever at this Exam.ts Fathers house, whilst the Sd Emerson was there, neither did she this Examinant ever see the Sd Emerson ever work or make anything in the fire, or do any other sort of work in her fathers house dureing the time of his stay there.
Judith her Q mark Blower