|London Ss.| The Exaiaion of Lewis la Coude bookkeeper to Charles Augustine Berth Marc.t in Mark layn Lond.o taken upon Oath before The Recorder &ct. this 25. th day of July 1704.

Who saith that about last may was 3. Years he this Examinant came into England, and about 7. months after that time he entered as Bookkeeper to Mr Berth, and some few months afterwards he this Exam.t began to lodge and diet at his house, but never made any agreem.t for wages with the Sd Mr Berth, and further saith that ye said Mr Berth hath bought severall Quantities of Silver Ingotts of diverse persons, but cannot remember their names; But sayes that he this Exam.t did Enter the same down into abook or books, as he the aforesd Mr Berth gave directions to him from time to time, but cannot tell whether he this Exam.t had a full and ꝑfect Acco.t of all the Silver Ingotts or peices of Eight, wch the said Mr Berth did deale for, or that they were Enter'd by this Exam.t and further saith that the Sd Mr Berth did cause a Furnace to be erected in his Sd house in Mark layn where he togeather with one - - - - Willmore did refine Silver, wch he the Sd Berth did cause to be drawn into Wyre (as this Exam.t beleives) which he sold to Sundry persons, wthout giveing the ꝑticulars to this Exam.t And further saith that about a week agoe the Sd Furnace was demollished, but upon what Account this Exam.t doth not know. And saith that the Latter end of last week Mr Atwell told this Exam.t that there was a report, about Town that the Sd Mr Berth had sold Severall Counterfeit peices of Eight (the said Mr Berck being present and Said there was nothing in it) This Exam.t further saith that he never heard any thing of ye Sd report before that time, And further saith that the Sd Mr Berth always kept his business very private from this Exam.t and never acquainted his Exam.t with any of his Affaires he could keep from him, And further saith, that he this Exam.t did never know the Sd Mr Berth before he saw him in England, But thath been told yt ye Sd Berth was a great dealer in France in all sorts of Silver, And further saith, that he the Sd Mr Berth did Sell Severall ꝑcells of peices of Eight, Barrs and Ingots of Silver and other foreign Silver Coynes Sometimes to Mr Atwell, to Mr Caswell, and some others, And that the Sd Mr Berth did keep above stares an An {sic} accompting house private to himselfe, in wch he usually kept his Silver, and his Coynes and usually kept the Key thereof himselfe, But he ye Sd Mr Berth being gone from home on Sunday last, Since when this Exam.t hath not seen him, nor heard where he is, nor when he will return: But yesterday in the afternoon, he this Exam.t finding the Key in the Door of the said Accompting house, went in but found nothing there as usuall; he then took the said Key into his own Custody, And further saith that he this Exam.t had the aforesaid Book or Books of Accounts in His Custody on Satturday last, but doth not now know where they now are. this Exam.t further saith that the Sd Mr Berth, came into the Compting house below staires on Satturday last, and did take from thence the Great book of Acco.ts wch book he this Exam.t hath not Seen Since.                                         Lewis La Coude Exam̄ Capt. et jurat anno et die Suꝑ dict coram me S: Lovell R.dr

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