|London Ss.| The Exaiaion of John Cooper in the Strand Robt Phillips in Broadstreet Charles Brattle in Tower Street James Grammer of Foster layne Goldsmiths taken upon Oath this 24. day of July 1704.

Who upon their respective Oaths do severally Depose and Say that that the peices of Eight now produced and Shewn unto them by John Cartlich refiner, are Counterfeits According to the best of their severall opinions, and Skill, and that these Depon.ts do own themselves well Skill'd and acquainted with the Species of peices of Eight. but verily beleives that the parcell above mentioned Are forged & Counterfeit                               John Cooper Robt Phillipps                               Charles Bralle James Gram̄er jurat Capt. &ct S. Lovell R.dr

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