Moses Beranger: The Examination of Moses Barrenger (Beranger) 24 July 1704
The Exaiaion of Moses Barrenger taken upon Oath this 24. thday of July 1704.
Who saith that on or about the 20th day of June last he this Exam.t did sell unto Mr John Cartlish, about the quantity of 1400.oz of peices of Eight, And further saith that he did also sell unto the Said Mr Cartlich another parcell of about the same quantity, about the of July Instant, And doth further depose upon his Oath yt he the said Moses Barrenger bought all the peices of Eight menioned in the above Sd parcells of Mr Berth Marchant in Marklayn Lond.o And he further upon his Oath saith that he did not acquaint the Sd Mr Berth, that Mr Cartlich had any suspicon, yt any of the first ꝑcell of the peices of Eight were Counterfeit, nor did he this Exam.t know yt any of the first parcell of peices of Eight (or any other in ye ꝑcells) were Counterfeits, And further upon his Oath saith that he hath heard that the Sd Mr Berth did practice or made it his Imploy (before he came from France {)}, to buy and Sell the severall Species of most sorts of Coynes, and that he hath been also told yt the Sd Mr Berth, was about to take some house in Lond.o to set up the trade of a Refiner. Moses Beranger Capt. jurat &ct S. Lovell R.der