
|Com Lanc.er Ss.| The Exaiaions of the Severall Persons here under named taken before us her Mats Justices of the peace for the Sd County whose names are here under Subscribed at Lancaster this 23.d day of Febr. 17045

Goose|Thomas| Goose of Bonds near Garstang in the Sd County Tanner Upon his Exaiaion saith that he hath been acquainted with Thomas the son of Robt Beesley late of Barnicar Tanner (decd) from his Infancy, ye Sd Thomas Beesley being born a near neighbour to this Ex.t but this Exam.t denyeth that ever he bought or sold or Exchanged any money with the Sd Thomas Beesley. This Exam.t saith ab.t three Years agoe, he imployed the Sd Thomas Beesley to cut some Bark for him, for which this Exam.t Pd him about 30. Shills And yt ab.t a year agoe this Ex.t bought of the Sd Thomas Beesley a large Old bible, but then new bound up by him (as he said) for 5.s which this Exam.t Pd down in Money, namely 5. single Shills

This Exa.t being asked what dealing he hath of late had at Poulton in the Sd County, Answereth that about a fortnight before last X.mas was the last time this Ex.t was at Polton & yt on a Market day wth some hides to sell, but this Exam.t sold none, neither had this Exam.t any dealings in buying selling or in Exchangeing of moneys with any person what soever, Except four pence which this Exam.t paid to William Watsons wife where he allighted at Poulton that day. And yt the last time before that that {sic} this Exam.t was at Poulton was about Martinmass, and yt the last before that was about a fortnight before Martinmass. but this Exam.t denyeth that ever he pay'd or offered to pay any money to any person in Polton wch was ever challenged or suspected to be counterfeit or bad, or wch this Exam.t himselfe suspected or knew to be so                                         {illeg}at|Tho|mas Goose


|Lancer Ss|Richard Williamson of Lower Wyersdale in the County of Lancer on Exaiaion saith that he hath know Thomas Beesley the son of Robt Beesley decd from his Infancy he being born a near neighbour to this Exam.t but this Exam.t denyeth that ever he had any dealings of buying & Selling putting off or Exchangeing of money, with or for the Sd Thomas Beesley in his whole life time This Exam.t saith that he haveing some time past been imployed by Capt.t Jn.o Hamilton to look after the Grounds of his Grace the Duke of Hamilton in Nether Wyesdale, was about two years agoe told yt there was in an Empty house, in the Lordship where no body dwelt a smoak seen to come out of the Chimney of that house, that after this, the Exam.t with one Thomas Johnson, James Ruby, Tho. Goose William Burn and Ellin Bryer Widdow, went into the house that Evening where they found a fire had been lately made but was clear out, and in an upper Roome of the house they found a little Leathern purse, with some small peices of Iron Brass and Lead in it, wch this Exam.t im̄ediately brought to Capt Hamilton who after looking on them return'd them back to this Exam.t bidding him keep them by him, wch this Exam.t did do, and yesterday when the Bayliffs came to apprehend this Exam.t he told them of the Sd little Purse and other things, and delivered the same unto the Bayliffs hand.                                    Rich.d Williamson

William Burne of Barniker in the said County husb. on Exaiaion saith that he hath known Thomas the Son of Robt Beesley (decd) above 20. years agoe but denyeth that ever he had any dealings with the Sd Thomas, other than as follows (viz) that last sum̄er was 12. months, the Sd Tho: Beesley bo.t milk of this Exaiaions wife a pennyworth or 2.d at a time, in the whole this Exam.t beleves {sic} near 10.s worth, for which he P.d this Exam.t or his wife 6.d or 1.s at at {sic} a time. but this Exam.t (nor his wife as he beleived) never recd any peice of money above the vallue of a twelve penny-peice of him the said Thomas Beesley in his whole life, This Exam.t further saith yt ab.t a year last past his wife sold the said Thomas Beesley two New Shirts which came to 5. Shillings, he the Sd Beesley paying this Examinants wife 2s-6d in money, the price of one of them *when he took them away) but not readily paying for the other, This Exam.t sometime after that tooke one of the said shirts from off an hedge where the same lay a drying, whereof the said Thomas beesley being acquainted, requested the same of this Exam.t but this Exam.t refusing to part wth it he prevailed with this Exam.t to exchange the foule shirt for ye clean on {sic} then in this Exam.ts custody, and after that he declared that he would come even with this Exam.t The said Thomas Beesley at the same time drawing his knife agt this Exam.t And saith that he this Exam.t hath one of the said shirts now in his Custody for want of pay.                                    Will: Burne


Ellin Bee the wife of John Bee formerly Ellin Bryers Widdow on the Exaiaion saith, that she hath know Thomas the Son of Robert Beesley for severall years last past and saith that in or about the month of November was 12. months, the said Thomas Beesley had a bed in her house, near two months togeath.er in Barnicar where she now dwelleth for wch privilidge he was to pay the 1.s a week but never pd one penny of money neither did this Exam.t ever pay receive or Exchange from or with the Sd Thomas Beesley in the life time                                         Ell: Bee.

The Exaiaions aforesd of Thomas Goose Richard Williamson, Willm Burne and Ellinor Bee were taken at Lancaster the 23.d day of Febr. 17045 ut suꝑa coram nobis       Cha: Rigby. Edm.o Cole       Thomas Sherson. & Jn.o Hidgson.

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