|Com Middx Ss | The Exaiaion of Jane Salt taken before the R.t Hon.ble Mr Secretary Harley this 30.th day of March 1705.

Who saith that she hath been acquainted with Cicilia la Bree ab.t 3. Years and that she this Exam.t never went by any other name than that of Jane Salt, she further saith that she was in trouble some years agoe, but was acquitted because yt nothing could be proved agt her, And that she never Saw the paper that is now ꝑduced with Silver dust in it She further saith that she knows one Mrs Halley, but has never had any business with her, and further Saith that she has been acquainted, with Mrs Ballard ab.t a twelvemonth, for that she was a prisner when that Mrs Ballard was a prisner likewise. She further saith that she knows one Mrs Lucas who belonged to Mrs Sophia Ballard, and that she has seen the Sd Eliz: Lucas at Mrs Ballards own house sometime before the Sd Mrs Ballard was last com̄itted to prison . The Exam.t further saith she knows one Anthony Dunn who formerly took up Mrs La Bree.                 Jane Salt Capt. an et die suꝑdit coram           Robt Harley.

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