
|Com Lancer Ss | The Informaion of Tho: Gervas of Lower Wyresdale in the Sd County taken upon Oath this 5.th day of March 17045

Who upon his Oath informeth and Saith that one Thomas Beesley of Barnicar in the Sd County husb Severall times within these two or three years last past, that he had cut stamps and Mills for Coyning Crowns and halfe Crowns for Severall Persons, but for whome the said Beesley did not tell the|i||s| Inform:t And also did acknowledge & Confess unto this Inform:t at some of the Sd times that he the Sd Beesley had coyned halfe Crowns, Guineas & broad peices of Gold, and he further saith that at the last Michmas faire at Lancaster, the said Beesley came to this Inform:t and shewed him about tenn Crownpeices, wch this Depon.t beleives were Counterfeit Coyn, and desired this Inform:t to Excha: the same and Offered to take halfe a Crown or three Shills for any one of the said Crown peices, and so ꝑporionably for as many as this Inform:t shud think for to take, wch this Depon.t beleiveing to be Counterfeit as aforesd told the Sd Beesley he would not have any dealings with him, and this Inform:t further Saith that about 14. d ays Since (the Sd Beesley being a Prisner in Lancer Castle) sent a letter to this Inform:ts house by one Nicholas Hebson and <1v> therein desired this Depon.t to come to him in the Sd Castle, wch ab.t two dayes after this Inform:t accordingly did, And then the Sd Beesly did desire this Depon.t to bring a Ladder, and come over the same Same {sic} night about 12. a Clock, and open the said prison doors with a Key the Sd Beesley had made for that purpose since his imprisonmt in the Castle, And at the same time Offered this Inform:t 3.£ for his assistance in the said Intended Escape, wch this Inform:t refuseing to do, the Sd Beesley then further desired this Inform:t to procure him a peice of Iron of about 16. Inches long, and sharpened at one End wherewith he told this Inform:t he designed to undermine and cut through the Prison wall in two nights time & from thence make his Escape.                           Tho: X his mark Gervas Capt et jurat &ct coram Tho: Foster

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