Statutes prouinge the distinction of thoffices {sic} & officers of the mynte from thoffices {sic} & officers of thexchange {sic}

The Exchange

Ao 9. E. 3. ta. 2.Firste thexchange and thofficers thereof were only ordained that such money & bullion as was to be exchanged for yame sholde be brought thether & to no place ellese
Ao 25. E. 3. ta. 12. End Indentur. Ao 10. E. 6. fo. 14. qo dd Heyes Indenture. Ao 12. E. 6. fo. 28.And there proffit to be taken for thexchange therof by the saide Exchangers & by no man ellese upon paine of forfiture of the moneys so thanged
Ao 9. E. 5. ta. 2. ta. 2. Ao 1. E. 6. ta. 4. qo oxtnob Indenture. Ao 35. E. 3 . fo. 15 Molakino Indenture. Ao 19. E. 2. fo. 13.And it might there be bought under the vallue at a certaine rate appointed by the {prince} and no where ellese Neither might any officer of the mynte be {illeg}ener or medle wth the kings exchange uppon forfiture of C pounde for any tyme so founde
Ao 18. E. 3. ta. 6. Ao 9. E. 5. ta. 2 ta. 2.And these Exchange were ordeined in good townes as semed beste to the kinge for the proffit of him and his people and were also to be holden in london or elles wheare in the ealme in open place and heighe stretes for the case of his people
Ao 9. E. 3. ta. 2. 7. 9 Ao 18. E. 3. ta. 6. Ao 9. E. 5. ta. 2. 3. Ao 1. E. 6. ta. 4. Ao 2. E. 6. ta. 12And theye were called only the name of Exchange and not mynte
Ao 25. E. 3. ta. 12. Ao 9. E. 5. sta. 2. ta. 3. 4. Ao 1. E. 6. ta. 12. Ao 19. E. 7. ta. 5.And thofficers therof were called by the names of Exchangers wardens surveioers or mynisters of thecthange & not by the name of mynte or moneyes

The mynte

Ao 9. E. 5. sta. 2. ta. 4 Ao 2. E. 6. ta. 12.Contrary wise the mynte & thofficers thereof were ordained that such bullion as was to be made into moneyes sholde be brought the there to be coyned for thease and proffit of the people and to no place elles
Ao 9. E. 5. sta. 2. ta. 2 Ao 2. E. 6. sta. 2. ta. 12. 13. all IndenturesAnd the bullion thether brought to be coyned was to be received by the mer at the same value that it was worth accordinge to the forme of his indenture and by no man elles
Ao 9. E. 5. sta. 2. ta 2And takeinge a certaine rate for the coynage appointed by the {prince} it might there be coyned into moneys & no where elles
Ao 9. E. 5. sta. 2. ta. 6. Ao 1. E. 6. ta. 4. Ao 2. E. 6. ta. 12. 13. 14.And in the Statutes they be only called by the names of mynte or coyners & not Exchange
Ao 25. E. 3. ta. 20 Ao 9. E. 5. ta. 1. ta. 11 Ao 1. E. 6. ta. 4. Ao 2. E. 6. ta. 12. 13. 14 Ao 19. E. 7. ta. 5.And thofficers thereof where called by the names of mers or wardens &c of the moneyes mynte or coynage & not by the name of Exchangers or of Exchange

The Exchange

{Item} of Exchange the kings at diverse tymes did diversely dispose. Viz.
Ao 9. E. 3. ta. 9 Ao 18. E. 3. ta. 6.Some tyme gauninge the warden a fee only and takinge the proffit to him Self
Hanfrey Molakin accompt. Ao 19. E. 2.Some tyme gauinge the warden the moitye of the proffit and takinge thother moitye to him Self
Willm End Indenture Ao 10. E. 6. fo. 14. qoad leyes Indentur Ao 12. E. 6. fo. 24.Some tyme takinge C merke a yeare fore the whole proffit therof
L: Eastinge pattut & Indent Ao 5. E. 4. fol. 1. Noble {illeg}atenbury Ao 1. E. 3. fo. 15.And some tyme takinge awaye the whole proffit thereof takeinge nothinge for it

The Mynte

Ao 9. E. 5. sta. 2. ta. 2. 3. Ao 2. E. 6. ta. 12. 13. 14 All theindenturesContrarywise the kings in his mynte used then no Such man but toke a certaine rate for his {Segniorage} & coynage by mitted of euery pounde weight accordinge to the forme of theindenture made betwene him and the mr & tooke no more Viz. by the Ao 9. ta. 5. Vd By the pounde {illeg} pounde {illeg}

The Exchange

Hanfrey Molakin accompteItem the gaine due to the kinge by thexhange grewe by reason of buyinge only and was taken upp by the warden of thexchange only & by the Statute Ss Ao 4. {illeg}

The mynte

All thindenturesItem the gaine due to the kinge by the munte grewe by coynage only & was not taken upp by ye wardens of the mynte or moneis only
From Ao 35. E. 3. till Ao 35. E. 8.And the mer of the mynte or moneyers were alwaies directed by these Indentures to accompte to ye warden of ye mynt or moneis only
ANd therefore the mrs of the Mynte were not nor this mr is not to be charged or directed by or accordinge to the forme of any accompte made by Exchangers or wardens of thexchange only

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