Notes to proue that it appereth not by thaccompte the kinge had any proffitte or the warden any ouersight of the mrs meltinge

Ao. 35. E. 3. fo. 4. Ao. 10. E> 3. fo. 5. Ao. 23. E. 6. fo. 5.In these Accompts the warden semets to accompte for thissues & progitte of thexchange & meltinge yet by the same accompte beinge conferred wth theindentures the kinge had not any proffite of these answered but the proffite of coynage only / So that the proffit of meltinge was a proffit but in name and not indeede neither dothe it appere by the same accompte that the warden was to ouerse the mrs meltinge /
Ao. 12. E> 3. fo. 11. Ao. 15. E. 4. fo. 7. Ao. 1. E. 3. fo. 6. Ao. 10. E. 7. fo. 5. Ao. 22. E. 7. fo. 7. Ao. 3. E. 8. fo. 6. Ao. 28. E. 8. fo. 5.In those Accompts the warden maketh menton aswell of diuerse profitte to be anwered to the kinge as for golde and siluer brought to the mynte but he anwereth not any such proffitte because there is no such golde nor silur brought thether nor proffite received whereby appereth yf any proffitte of the mrs meltinge had ben used to be answered to the kinge it wolde as well haue ben mentoned in their accompte as other proffitte were And althoughe there were none then presently to be answered yet a remembrance aswell therof as of other things wolde haue ben made for the wardens discharge / neither dothe it appere by their accompte that the kinge had any proffit or the warden any ouersight of the mrs meltinge /
In any accompte extant there is not any meltinge of golde mentoned nor in any of their accompte followinge viz Ao. 18. £. 6 / Ao. 5. E. 4. / Ao. 1. E. 3. / Ao. 8. E. 7. / Ao. 21. E. 7. / Ao. 3. E. 8. / Ao. 35. E. 8. / there is neither meltinge of golde or siluer mentoned / neither dothe it appere by any of the saide accompte that the kinge had any proffit or the warden any ouersight of the mrs meltinge at any tyme /
And it is to be thought that yf the kinge had ben to haue any proffitt or the warden any ouersight of the mrs meltinge it wolde haue ben mentoned in some of the saide accompts wthin the space of C iiijxx ij yeares wch beinge not mentoned is an evidente profe that the warden was accustomed to ouerse the mrs meltinge /

And thus much for thaccompte

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