
For furder ꝑfe of oer reconinge to be trewe we haue sett it downe in diuerse maners as followeth /

And bicause it is alledged that the iij£ dd L M. D. wayeth but xjoz xviijd wght and is but xjoz jd wght fine at the pounde wght and that bicause the saide Lxs wayeth not a pounde wght therfore there cannot be xjoz jd wght fine siluer therunto is answered thatt yf the Lxs deluered to M. D: wayed a full pounde wght at xjoz jd wght fine then he sholde lacke of yt he deliuered but iijd  scante: But bicause M. D: receiueth not a full pounde wght therfore we recon howmuche fine siluer there is in the iij£ wayeinge but xjoz xviijd wght and so we finde the reconinge to agre bothe in vallue & in fine siluer as followeth /

The mer receiueth of W. D: one pounde wght of bullion wch holdeth xjoz fine siluer & one ounce of allaye and wthall \he/ receiveth vjd ob in money wch is all one as yf he receiued one pounde wght standerd at xjoz ijd wght fine wch is accompted to be in vallue}Lxs
The mer deliuered againe to M. D: iij£ waying but xjoz xviijd wght of xjoz jd wght fine at the pounde wght wth xjoz xviijd wght of xjoz jd wght fine holdeth in fine siluer xxij gre ij mite at euery penny wght wch is CCCCxlij gre at euery ounce viz xviijd wght x gre at euery ounce and so M: D: iij£ wayinge but xjoz xviijd wght holdeth in fine siluer x oz xixd wght iij gre & xvj myte wch after the rate of vs the ounce standerd is worth vs iiijd ob. . ei  scante the ounce fine siluer And so M. D: receiueth in his iij£ wayinge but xjoz xviijd wght somuche fine siluer as is in vallue at the leaste}Lixs. ijd. ob. .
The wch Lixs ijh ob . in vallue beinge {dd} so M. D: for his pounde wght holdinge xjoz fine siluer and for his vjd ob received by the mer as a foresaide M. D: moneyes lacjeth of that he deliuered but}ixda scante

Againe to ꝑue that M. D: Lxd wayinge xjoz xviijd wght & being but of xjoz.  . fine or aboue at the pounde wght cannot lack of that he deliuered xijd ob. we haue sett downe diuersitye of reconinge as followeth /

The mer receiueth of M. D: one pounde \wght/ of bullion wch holdeth xjoz fine siluer & one ounce of allaye & wthall vjh ob in moneys wch is all one as if he received a pounde wght standerd at}xjoz ijd wtt fine
Yf the mer deliuer M. D: Lxs wayinge xjoz xviijd wght & but of xjoz jd wght fine at the pounde wght wch xjoz xviijd wght holdeth in fine siluer xoz xixd wght iij gre xvj myte Then M. D: lacketh in his moneyes of yt he dd in fine siluer}ijd wtt. xxgre. iiijmyte.
In vallue verry nereixd. v.myte ij.droite
Item yf the mer deliuer M. D. Lxs wayinge xjoz xviijd wght and but of xjoz oba fine at the pounde wght the wch xjoz xviijd wght holdeth in fine siluer xoz xviijd wght xxjgre xvij myte then M. D: lacketh in his moneyes of that he deliuered in fine siluer}iij.d wtt ij.gre iijmyte
In vallue verry morexd. j.droite
Item yf the mer deliuer M. D: Lxs wayinge xjoz xviijd wght and but of xjoz oz fine at the pounde wght the wch xjoz xviijd wght holdeth in fine siluer xoz xviijd wght xv. gre xviij myte then M. D: lacketh in his moneyes of that he dd in fine siluer}iij.d wtt. viijgre. ijmyte
In vallue verry nerexd. xixmyte
Item yf the mer deliuer to M. D: Lxs waying xjoz xviijd wght & but of xjoza fine at ye pounde wght wch xjoz xviijd wght holdeth in fine siluer xoz xviijd wght in gre xiij myte Then M. D: lacketh in his moneyes of yt he dd in fine siluer}iij.d wtt. xiiijgre. jmyte
In value verry nerexjd. ob. jmyte. xix.droite
Item yf the mer deliuer to M. D: Lxs waying xjoz xviijd wght & but of xjoza fine at ye pounde wght So yt M. D: pounde wght refineth nothinge in meltinge wch is not possible the wch xjoz xviijd wght holdeth in fyne siluer xoz xviijd wght in gre / Then M. D: lacketh in his moneyes of yt he dd in fine siluer}iij.d wtt xxgre.
In value verry nerexijd. a. ijmyte. xviij.droite

So we finde it apparaunte that M. D: deliueringe one pounde wght of siluer of xjoz fine and vjd ob in moneyes wch is all one as if he dd one pounde wght of xjoz ijd wght gine and receiuinge iij£ wayinge xjoz xviijd wght of xjoza fine or any thinge aboue cannot lacke xijd ob as mer auditor hathe saide /

And so we finde it also apparaunte that M. D: deliueringe j£ wght of siluer of xjoz fine and vjd ob in moneyes wch is all one as if he dd one pounde wght of xjoz ijd wght fine and receivinge iij£ wayinge xjoz xviijd wght of xjoz jd wght fine lacketh of that he dd but ixdas mer Lonyson hathe saide & not xijd ob as mer Auditor hathe saide /

Also adde the saide ixda to the iij£ wayinge xjoz xviijd wght of xjoz jd wght fine and it counternaileth the pounde wght of xjoz fine & ye vjd ob therwth dd wch directelye ꝑueth ye reckoninge to be trewe /

Articles of thindenture to be considered of, touchinge ye remedyes in finesse founde at the potte assaue

Article. 20.And if it shalbe founde by the saide assaye of ye saide potte made in forme aforesaide that the pounde wght throughelye trued answer not in finesse the full standered a fore saide but that it shall passe the one half of the remedye lymitted in either of the saide standerds the lacje therof shalbe an entred of recorde by the said warden or such as he shall therunto appointe and a trewe accompte therof shalbe made to oer souerayne Ladye the Q: of somuche of the saide lacke as shall passe the saide one half of the saide remedye and the same fully and wholy to be answered to oer ouerayne Ladye by ye Q: and wthoute any comodytie to growe to any other ꝑson or ꝑsons by ye same /
Article. 21.Sauinge alwayes that in case by the saide assayes of ye potte it shalbe founde that the saide moneyes of golde & siluer doe passe at any tyme in finesse the one half of the saide remedye lymitted in either of the saide standerde thatt then the saide finesse to be entred of recorde & golde plate wch the saide mer in the charge wch he shall haue when any lacke shalbe founde by the sayde assaye of the saide potte passinge the saide half remedye afore saide /

The like articles touchinge the remedyes in wght wch is founde by the tryall of the moneyes in the pixe /

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