Joanne Sparrey of Glass house in the said County Deposeth as followeth this 1st Apll 1699

She saith yt abot afortnight before XMAS was 12 month she saw W.m Hambleton of the ꝑish of Millwitch come to John Sparreys house now prisoner, and gave the Sd Ino Sparrey 1lb in Gold & Silver for Tooles to coyn money with (viz Spaud to Fill flaskes together \Crusibles to run the Mettall down, Files press to hold ye Flaskes/ while the Mettle run, & other materiall to coyn money wth & yt Jno Sparry was to instruct him to coyn money and that Ino Sparry did instruct ye Sd Hambleton accordingly, and that after the Sd Hambleton made a Sixpence & came to the Sd Jno Sparry's house & there wth {an} edging instrument edged ye Same in the presence of this Exam.t and this Examt Saith after he bought the Sd goods of the Said Jno Sparry she this Examt saith after he bought th|Saw ye Said Hambleton| wash file and colour some counterfeit pieces and after that tookaway the Sd Tooles So bought by him as aforesaid and yt abo.t five or 6. yeares Since She Saw William Harding of ye ꝑish of Slaume wash file & clip ye Currt coyn of this Realm yt abot Michas day last ye sd Harding brought a pair of Flaskes to John Sparry now Prisoner to make money and a great quantity of Clippings in a leather pocket to be coyned into money.

Jurat Edwd Foden                     Joane Sparry

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