William Brookes: The Deposition of William Brookes 10 April 1699
William Brookes of the Parish of Moulstanton in ye County of Stafford Taylor deposeth as followeth. That this Examt living near to Jno Sparry & Selling ale the Sd Ino Sparry came to this Examts house and desiring this Depon.t to walk with him to one Hartleys house, being near Wetley Moore which was about Michas was 12 months and this Depont accordingly went with ye Sd Jn.o Sparry toward the Sd Hartleys house, and the Sd Sparry desired this Depont to Stay near the Said Hartleys House till he returned thence, but ye Sd Sparry Staying longer then he proposed this Examt went to the Sd Hartleys house where he found the Said Sparry wth one man called Hartley, and a woman which he called Margt Lees and upon this Examts appearance those ꝑsons Seemed to hide Some things from his view wch the Said Ino Sparry reply'd you need not Scruple at this Examt presence for yt this examt he knew to be a friend and after yt he Saw ye Sd woman and man was {sic} boyle and finish Severall pieces into 5 Shillings pieces and Crownes Some of which were brass and which they make look like Silver many of which pieces were perfect brass but after yt hartley and Margt Lees, had washed and boyld & finisht the Same they looked like perfect good Crownes and half Crownes and at ye Same time this Examt Saw Jno Sparry give unto ye Sd Hartley 40.s of good money as this Depont thought and the Sd Margt Lees delivered to the Sd Ins Sparry 3.££ of yt money made at that time the Same was all Charles and Jeames's coyn