Joseph Kettle and Joanne Sparry: The further information of Joseph Kettle and Joanne Sparry 3 May 1699
May ye 3d 1699 the further Information of Joseph Kettle & Joane Sparry who Say that one Jno Walklate living near Braddall Park in ye ꝑish of Woulstanton & William Walklate of the Same place his Son in the year 1696 at Severall times at ye Said Walklates house with this Depont coyned Guineas Crownes half Crownes Shillings Sixpences in great quantityes and also one Moses Copland their near Neighbor & brother in law was actually concerned wth ym and these people as he Verily belives {sic} follow the Said practices to this time - Joseph Kettle and Jno|oan| Sparry witness the Same
This informacon is not a true copy as to ye words but ye same in Effect for our Orriginall examacon was Sent to London after it was taken by Mr Foden.