Thomas Sadlier: The Information of Thomas Sadlier 30 June 1699
The Information of Thomas Sadlier of Streatham in this Isle of Ely taken upon oath this 30th day of June 1699 before Roger Jennins Esqr and Francis Fern Prebendarie of Ely two of his Majties Justices of the peace of Said Isle
This Informt sayth that on or about the 16th day of Apr in ye year of our Lord 1698 one William Thornton of NeatSett in the County of Norfolke came to this Informts house at Streatham afores.d and about five days after on henry holder alias Harrison came also to this Informts house who brought dyes and Severall other Coyning instruments wth him wherewth the Sd Wm Thornton and Henry Holder alias Harrison did Coyn severall Mild Shillings in imitacon of the Currt coyn of this Re|Ki|ngdom in the Cellar of this informts house in Streatham in the Isle aforesaid and further this informt Sayeth not Tho Sadlier
Capt et jurat die et anno supradict coram Roger Jennins Fran: Fern