Holograph draft of MINT00543 (Mint 19/2/508)
Whereas our house of Commons did on the 1st instant resolve that for encouraging the bringing wrought Plate into {illeg}|Ou|r Mint to be coined, there should be allowed to such persons as should so bring the same, after the rate of five Shillings & five pence per ounce for the old standard, & 5s & 8d per ounce for the new standard for all plate on wch the Mark of the Goldsmiths Company of London or any other City is set, & for {illeg}|u|ncertain Plate not so marked (being reduced to standard) after the rate of five shillings & six pence per ounce. And whereas {the} Our said house of Commons, by their {a}|A|ddress of the instant have besought us to give directions to the Officers of our Mint to receive {illeg}|i|n all \such wrought Plate as/ should be so brought to them & to give receipts for the same to such persons as should bring the same for ye amount thereof at the several rates & prizes aforesaid & that the same be immediately coined into shillings & sixpences: Our Will & Pleasure is & we do hereby authorize & command that you the Warden Master & Worker & Comptroller of our Mint do take & receive from all persons & bodies politick {illeg}|o|r corporate all such wrought plate as they or any of them shall bring to our said Mint of the kinds & standards above mentioned, & that you the Master \& Worker/ of our Mint do give such {illeg}|R|eceipts for the same respectively as are des{illeg}|i|red by the said address of our h|H|ouse of Commons and immediately coin the same into shillings & sixpences & pay the produce in moneys produced {illeg} unto
|And for so doing this shall be to you & all others herein concerned a sufficient Warrant.|
To the Warden Master &
Worker & Comptroller of
our Mint \now &/ for the time