Draft of MINT00044 (Mint 19/1/121)
Next to Mr Haynes I reccon Mr Ford qualified for or business. In integrity & exact weighing I beleive {sic} them equal & he rates & standards well enough to execute the Office.
But if {illeg} {illeg} the bare skill in bare skill in weighing {illeg}\{illeg} then/ the {illeg} {illeg} wch is barr \at present only is only exact/ skill in weigh{t}ing|,| be reguarded. Mr Ford {illeg} & {re} tipping the scales \examining all {illeg} & weights/, all \any of/ the competitors upon oath steady hands & judicious eyes either are \may/ qualifyed or may qualify them\him/selfes within a in a fortnight. by practise in a week or a fortnight.
May it please yor Lordps
We have considered the Petitions in
We have considered the annexed
In obedience to yor Lordps order of reference signified to us by Mr Lowndes ye 7th instant upon the several Petitions ann \that we should examine the qualifations {sic} certain \the/ Petitioners//upon the several Petitions annexed Petitions\ {and} for the place of Weigher & Teller of the Mint now vacant \whose Petitions are hereunto annexed/ we humbly represent that {illeg} they \the Petitioners/ did the \several/ services mentioned in the{illeg}|ir| |several| Petitions hereunto annexed, & that if nothing be reguarded that\for/ the necessary duty of the place (wch at present is only exact skill in weighing & in examining the scales & weights) any competitor\petitioner/ who hath steady hands & judicious eyes\practical {illeg} eyes\{illeg}\is envious {illeg} |is envious|/// may qualify himself by a fortnight \by/ practise {illeg}|in| a fortnight less then a month. \a short time/ |[|But if the {illeg} \gene{illeg}rall/ |general| advantage of the Mint be \also/ considered {illeg} \|an Officer who understands| the business of the Office \{illeg}/ ye most desirable/ Mr Haynes is the fittest \at present present/ \best skilled in Mint affairs & on that account the fittest/ person for the place however other Petitioners may be otherwise very deserving. He has served int he Mint about 14 years excepting three or four years intermission by {illeg} & while he acted in it he had|]|
But {illeg}|its| for the service \& advantage/ of the Mint to have an Officer who understands as the all {illeg} more of the business is skilled in all or business in that Post\in that Post/ in that Post further skilled in or business. Mr Haynes And the And how ever other Petiti{illeg}|o|ners may be deserving in other respects the most skilfull in or business \Mint affairs/ is Mr Haynes. He has served in the Mint about 14 years excepting three or four years intermission & while he acted in the Mint he had there a general reputation
The other Petitioners may in other reputes\in other reputes/ be very deserving & some of them have acted in life but {illeg}\& some of them have qualifications a fit for better business/ \as I could be \very/ glad to oblige theeir|m| friends & their friends/ but of their qualifications further then I have known \any of/ them by their acting in the Mint I do not presume to judge. {illeg} {Two} of them have some skill in Mint affairs If the consideration of this sort of skill be set aside & in that respect I That consideration being set aside I
One these accts he was brought back into the Mint from good business of his own as a in the beginning of the late r|R|ecoynage when we could not be within him & soon after the Officers of
\in ye recoynage/ Mr Brattel weighed the o{illeg} \assisted in the Assay Office &/ was the first Teller who inspected the {illeg} old money & told the new money & examined the tale thereof by the weight of the baggs, & the other Petitioners did the services represented in their Petitions{illeg}