
Mr Cassini, Maraldi, De la Hire, Louril, Fonte{illeg}|n|ell, Monmort, Observatory, Abby Bignon, Aby|b|e Varign{illeg}t|on|, {illeg} Academy.

Abby Bignon\3/, the Academy\1/, the Observatory\2/, \Monsrs/ Fontenell, {Mr} Cassini, Maraldi, De la Hire, Louvill, Varignon, Monmort.

diameter Terræ est pedum Paris. 39391078. 365. 100 ∷ 10792{illeg}|0|\76/ = 31s. 16d12 = 187612.


Nobilissimo et eruditissimo
viro Equite Isaaco Newton
Domino meo Colendissimo.


Moeda of Portugal of 2000 Res. 11 oz fine. Weig{illeg}|h|t 3. 1012gr = {illeg}|8|2gr.

Crusado of Portugal of 400 Res. 11 oz fine Weight 11. 4 = 26{illeg}|8|gr.

1 = 1616 in Portugal. 15.

A pound weight of fine gold is equal in value to 16 pound weight of fine silver in Spain & Portugal, to 15 pound weight in France, to 14lwt 1012oz in Holland & Germany\Italy/, to 14. 9 in Germany. to 14 6 {illeg}|a|t Hamborough & Dantzick. to 14|5|. 16oz. 18|7|dwt. 5gr in England

{ in Spain } { Spain {illeg}|&| Portu{illeg}|g|al
A pound wt of|eight| fine
of fine gold is
worth about of fine silver /in\ England France Holland & I{illeg}|t|aly Germany Hamburgh & Dantzik.
{illeg} { 1.2.1 {illeg}|in| Spain & Portugal
A Guinea is
worth in/about\
1.1.6 in England
1.0.812 in France
1.0.7|6|12 in Holland & Italy
1.0.412 in Germany
1.0.0|1| at H{mb}|am|burg & {illeg}|D|antzic
1.0.0 in Dantzic
{ 16 to 1 in Spain & Portugal
G Fine gold is \in value/ to
fine silver of equal
weight as about
(very nearly) as
1547 to 1 in England
15 to 1 in France. Now 1657 15110 to 1.
1478 to 1 in Holland & Italy
1434 in Germany
1459 at Hambourgh
1412 at Dantzig
{ 1.2.1 \or 2d/ in Spain & Portugal
{illeg}|A G\u/inea is worth about| 1.1.6 in England
1.0.812 in France. Now 1. 0. {illeg}|1|0.
1.0.612 in Holland & Italy
1.0.412 in Germany
1.0.1 at Hamburgh
1.0.0 in|a|t Dantzic

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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