
That the Warden of the Mint do find out a fit person to attend him as Clerk & Sollicitor for drawing up Informations & Warrants & entring them in books & seing {sic} the Warrants executed when there is occasion, & for attending Prosecutions at the Old Bayly & Assizes, & th{illeg}|a|t this Officer be allowed a Salary of 60li per an as formerly.

That this Officer upon being sent into the Country to apprehend or prosecute criminalls be allowed 1{0}|5| per day for himself & his house. And that such other persons as shall be sent upon the like services be allowed such travelling charges as the Warden shall approve off, not exceeding 8s per day for a man & a horse. And that in lieu of pocket expences, coach-hire, fees of Court & such other incident expences as cannot be ascertained by good Vouchers or would {illeg}|p|erplex the Accounts, there be allowed for every house searched the summ of 10s, & for every person apprehended & brought before a Iustice of the Peace & committed to prison the summ of 20s to be equally divided between those that search or apprehend & carry to prison, & for every person indicted & tried, the summ of {illeg}|4|0s\3li/ to him or them who by the Warden's order shall sollicit & manage the prosecution|.|b|esides Councellours fees.|

That the Master & Worker of the Mint be impowered by a s|S|igne m|M|anual to pay the salary of the said Clerk \or Sollicitor/ quarterly as it shall become due, |&| t{illeg}|o| advance to him such summs of money as by allowance or order under the Wardens hand he shall demand for carrying on the Prosecutions not exceeding 200li per an, & to pay what shall be further due to the said Sollicit{illeg}|o|r upon his Accounts duely stated & allowed. And that the Auditors of the Mint be directed to allow in the Accounts of the Master & Worker all the said payments not exceeding in the w{illeg}|h|ole the summ of 400li per an allowed by Act of Parliament for this service.

That the said Sollicitor do at the end of every half year lay before the Master & Comptroller of the Mint an Account of the servi{illeg}|c|es performed by him or|&| his Assistants upon wch any moneys may be due or have be|en| paid to him or them with a certificate from the Warden in writing that those services were done by his Order. And also a Bill or Bills of all the moneys \paid/ due \or |paid|/ to him or others upon those services according to the allowances above mentioned And also a Bill or Bills of all the moneys paid by him to others for wch he hath Receipts. \together with the Receits|pt|s of moneys paid to others./ \And also a Bill of moneys paid for Habeas Corpus{illeg}|e|s {illeg}|C|ouncellours fees, Ld Ch{illeg}|ief| Iustices Warrants &c./ And that he insert nothing into those Bills wit{illeg}|h|out Receipts or other good vouchers for the same. And that the Master & Worker & Comptroller examin & signe those Bills as Vouchers to the annual Account of the said Sollicitor.

That at the end of every year the said Sollicitor lay his Account for that year first before the Warden of the Mint to be examined & signed & the before the Sollicitor of the Treasury to be examined & signed & lastly before the Ld H. Treasurer of Lds Commrs of the Treasury to be approved\or their Order to be audited & allowed in such manner as they shall appoint,/ & sent to the Master & Worker of the Mint to be paid off discharged if {illeg}|a|ny Ballance remain due|.| {to} \before the Ld H. Treasurer or Lds Commrs of the Treasury t|f|o|f| be their direction how it shall be audited stated & discharged/

And if the Accountant craves any all{illeg}|o|wance for any services not within the Rules above mentioned, the same be laid before the Treasury at the end of his Account.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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