Draft of legislation to recompense the Mint for the fact that the money coined from premium plate came to less than the amount spent on the plate: the shortfall is calculated at various figures from £1,813.0s.8d. to £5,168.6s.4d
And whereas by her Maties Warrant under her signe manual in pursuance of the Votes & Address of the Commons in the last session of Parliament directed to the Officers of her Mint, several parcells of Plate were received into the said Mint in May & Iune last wch after the rates of 5s 5d per ounce for plate of the old standard, 5s 8d per ounce for plate of the new standard & 5s 6d per ounce for uncertain plate reduced to standard, amounted unto the summ of 76670li. 2s. 11d to be allowed to the Importers of the said plate according to her Majesties said Warrant & the said Votes & Address of the Commons, & whereas the moneys produced out of the said plate by coinage amounted only unto the summ of 71512li. 2s. 4d including the produce of the sweep, wch being deducted from the former summ leaves a deficiency of 5158li. 00s. 7d: Be it further enacted that the said deficiency shall be supplied & made good out of the &c
And whereas by her Majties Warrant under her signe manual in pursuance of the Votes & Address of the Commons in the last session of Parliamt directed to the Officers of her Mint \several parcels of plate were received into the said Mint/ in May & Iune last, wch after the rates of 5s 5d per ounce for plate of the old standard, 5s 8d per ounce for plate of the new standard amounted unto the summ of 27824li. 11s. 2d to be allowed to the Importers of the said Plate according to her Majties said Warrant & the said votes & address of the Commons; & whereas the moneys {illeg}2|25911|li. 1{illeg}|0|s. 4|6|d. including the produce of the sweep, wch being deducted from the former summ leaves a deficiency of 5158li. 0s. 7d\1913. 0s. 8d not yet provided for/: Be it therefore enacted that the said deficiency of {illeg}|1913||li|{illeg}li. 0s. 7|8|d. shall be supplied & made good out of the &c